Editorial m+a report Nr. 7 / 2005 from 27.10.2005

Not to be taken lightly
Good customer relations are something to be treasured, something to nurture and cultivate. After all, let's be honest: you, too, earn most money from your existing client portfolio. Gaining new custom is not that easy. And yet it's surprising how often even smoothly running relationships come under pressure - at the very moment that price becomes an issue. Now even though a resilient partnership, trust and reliability are values, it's still difficult to put a price on them. The success of a project hinges on how the "partners" treat one another.
That companies want to get to know new agencies and exhibition construction companies is understandable - less so the vast amount of value that is destroyed by pitches. When thirty or forty agencies and exhibit builders start to develop concepts free of charge, they not only run up enormous costs. Effectively, the whole thing also spells the end of all creativity - ultimately to the detriment of the client. More on this in our special feature live communication beginning on page 40.
Those interested will have the opportunity to see lots of creative concepts on December 1 and 2 in Düsseldorf. Then it's time for ADAM and EVA. ADAM is the acronym (in German) for award for excellent exhibition appearances. As well as architecture and design, the judges also consider successful communication of marketing and corporate objectives. The Event Award EVA is presented for outstanding marketing events and live communication. For those who wish to see them live it's worth making the journey.

Enjoy some informative readingmuareport-redaktion@dfv.de

m+a report Nr.7 / 2005 vom 27.10.2005
m+a report vom 27. Oktober 2005